12 Types Of Software Development And Their Benefits

12 types of software development and their benefits

In the race to transformation, no organisation wants to be left behind. Therefore any organisation that wants to stay relevant in the future must know that apart from the proper utilisation of human resources, one way to reach operational and…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for IT Services section(s).


Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2022

Top 5 In-Demand Tech Skills for 2022

It’s 2022, the year of diverse opportunities, especially for those in tech. Millennials and Gen Zs are fast learning to be sensitive to opportunities outside traditional career paths. Only a few days ago, 16-year-old John Oseni made the news with his…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for IT Services section(s).


15 Signs To Look Out For When Choosing Software Companies In Lagos

Hire Software Companies in Lagos

Going digital or commencing a new software project within your enterprise can be both daunting and thrilling at the same time. But beyond the excitement, there is the knowledge that the software development company/consultant you pick as a partner can be the one…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for IT Services section(s).


How IT Can Benefits Your Business

How IT Can Benefits Your Business

We live in a world where every aspect of our lives is digitised. The implication is that, regardless of your interest or activities, the knowledge and application of technology are sure to boost efficiency and utility. This is also applicable in business….

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written by Chintan Mankodi for IT Services section(s).


The Evolution Of Digitalisation: Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends Of The Last Decade

The digital revolution began decades ago with the invention of digital computers, and it continues to wax stronger with different emerging, disruptive technologies. The last decade (from 2011-to 2020) witnessed the highest degree of…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for IT Services section(s).