Why Digital Transformation Fails

Why Digital Transformation Fails

Digital transformation is the rave, and many businesses and enterprises are jumping on the trend. However, the idea that digital transformation is a trend may cause organisations to invest in digital initiatives that don’t yield the expected business outcomes. In such a case, we…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for Transformation Services section(s).


Long-term Effects of Technology on Society

Long-term Effects of Technology on Society

Technology has a lasting impact on the relationship, communication, and productivity of humans, as we constantly interact with it to carry out their daily activities efficiently and effectively. The advancements of technology have stretched beyond the limitations of human capabilities—creating endless possibilities. 


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written by Chintan Mankodi for Transformation Services section(s).


How Artificial Intelligence Transforms Businesses

How Artificial Intelligence transforms Businesses

Since its inception and integration in many fields, artificial intelligence has become a part of our daily lives. We encounter it in our workplaces, homes, and daily interactions. There are various technological implementations that ensure ease of movement, understanding, interactions, and other forms…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for Transformation Services section(s).


Digital Ethics In The Workplace

Digital Ethics In The Workplace

Workplace ethics are the set of principles or morals that guide the behaviours and interactions in an organisation. Every workplace is guided by different standards that have to be followed by employees and employers alike.

Every company’s culture must…

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written by Chintan Mankodi for Transformation Services section(s).


Five Best Practices That Help Your Organisation Implement Digital Transformation Effectively


Your business operations may be running smoothly, but things could get better with implement digital transformation. You could spend less time sorting out your files, holding numerous meetings, or collecting data. Your productivity can increase, and activities…

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written by Nilay Mehta for Transformation Services section(s).